CNC CircleCNC Circle


Find below the easiest way I have found so far to make a circle path in G-Code.

The coordinates below are absolute, we are considering we start from origin (0, 0)

Move from the center to Y10

Make circle (counter clockwise arc)

Go back to the center

G01 X0 Y10 F200       // Move from the center to Y10 (radius 10), feed rate 200
G03 X0 Y10 I-0 J-10   // Make circle (counter clockwise arc, G02 for clockwise arc)
G01 X0 Y0 F200        // Go back to the center (0, 0), feed rate 200

By horaz

Hello, my name is Horacio Conde, Vic’s proud father, an apprentice maker and a computer science engineer. I live in Mexico City and I’ve been working professionally in software development for more than fifteen years now. I’m very interested in technologies such as programming, The Internet of Things (IoT) (Arduino, Raspberry Pi), electronics, physical computing, automation, woodworking.

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