
# Sample
# python3 palindrome.py "Dabale arroz a la zorra el Abad"
# python3 palindrome.py "Anita lava la tina"

import sys

def checkPalindrome(str):
	str = str.replace(" ", "")

	if len(str) <= 1:
		return True

	if str[0].lower() != str[-1].lower():
		return False

	return checkPalindrome(str[1:-1])

print(f"Is '{sys.argv[1]}' a Palindrome?")

By horaz

Hello, my name is Horacio Conde, Vic’s proud father, an apprentice maker and a computer science engineer. I live in Mexico City and I’ve been working professionally in software development for more than fifteen years now. I’m very interested in technologies such as programming, The Internet of Things (IoT) (Arduino, Raspberry Pi), electronics, physical computing, automation, woodworking.

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